Monday, January 16, 2012

What's next?


Alhamdulillah 'ala kulli hal wa nikmah. Alhamdulillah, I am quite happy in having opportunity to write down here back.

 Alhamdulillah, with the blessings of Allah, Allah still gives us this 'capital' of life. Hopefully, we may use it properly to reimburse the best rewards from Allah. Need to purify the intention merely for Allah sake and have passion and be patient. Sometimes we are having troubles or shortcomings, nonetheless, we must believe that it comes from Allah. This indicates Allah's love towards us (^__^) Alhamdulillah!

As His servant and Caliph, we must do submit to Him everytime and everywhere. Must always be in full state of obedience towards Allah.

In surviving for our life, we are in a state of war isn't it? we fight our desire, avoiding ourselves from Satan, and as possible we want to abstain our life from any bad influences.

This is fitrah created by Allah to all mankind. Fitrah is originally created and placed by Allah in our heart. We love things beneficial to us. We love Allah. We feel calms in seeking His love and Mercy. We love kindness and wisdom.

In fact, some of the disbelievers also seek for assistance from God when facing difficulties. But, most of the disbelievers associate Allah with another things. This contravene with the revelation of Al Qur'an and Sunnah of Prophet Rasulullah sallallahi 'alaihi wasallam.

I just want to share something that dissapoint me. I had read on an article from Islamic online on US army abusing dead bodies in Afghanistan and this make me sad and upset. Plus, encourage me to do improve myself and do not ever give up in understanding knowledge. I admit as Mu'min, we must learn from our mistakes constantly. Do not ever ashamed with our weaknesses and failures. In fact, we need to correct it well. May Allah keep us guided all the time. amiin.

Indeed, our beloved Rasulullah sallalahu 'alaihi wassalam is the best figure for us to emulate. His akhlaq is Al-Qur'an. Al Qur'an is the words of Allah that may purify ourselves. As As Syahid Syed Qutb said: We have to imitate the Quranic generation (Jilul Qur'an), i.e the Companions of Prophet Rasulullah sallallahu 'alaihi wasallam. By understanding Al-Qur'an and practice,they always be pure in heart, in mind and understanding.

mode: quite impress with the story on Dr Yusuf al-Qardhowi shared and written by Mohd. Rumaizuddin Ghazali, USIM lecturer in his book entitle 10 Tokoh Sarjana Islam Paling Berpengaruh published by PTS. May Allah bless us all. amiin. The link for the article is as follows

Silence is not an option.
What have we done to help our brothers and sisters in Aqidah?
So, what's next??????

Sorry for everything.
Wallahu a'lam. Allah knows best. May Allah bless. amiin.

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