Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Al Hijr Ayat 32 sehingga 51

Bismillahirrahmanirrahim 32. Dia (Allah) berfirman, "Wahai Iblis! Apakah sebabnya kamu (tidak) sujud bersama mereka?" 33. Ia (Iblis) berkata, "Aku sekali-kali tidak akan sujud kepada manusia yang Engkau telah ciptakannya daripada tanah liat kering dan lumpur hitam yang diberi bentuk." 34. Dia (Allah) berfirman, "(Jika begitu) keluarlah engkau dari Syurga, kerana sesungguhnya kamu terkutuk, 35. dan sesungguhnya kutukan itu tetap menimpamu sehingga hari kiamat." 36. Ia (Iblis) berkata, "Ya Tuhanku, (jika begitu) maka berilah tempoh kepadaku sehingga hari (manusia) dibangkitkan." 37. Allah berfirman, "(Baiklah) maka sesungguhnya kamu termasuk di dalam golongan yang diberi penangguhan, 38. sehingga hari yang telah ditentukan (kiamat)." 39. Ia (iblis) berkata, "Tuhanku, oleh kerana Engkau telah memutuskan bahawa aku sesat, aku pasti akan jadikan (kejahatan) terasa indah bagi mereka di bumi, dan aku akan menyesatkan mereka semuanya., 40. Kecuali hamba-hamba-Mu yang terpilih di antara mereka." 41. Dia (Allah) berfirman, "Ini adalah jalan yang lurus (menuju) kepada-Ku." 42. Sesungguhnya kamu (iblis) tidak berkuasa ke atas hamba-hamba-Ku, kecuali mereka yang mengikutimu, iaitu orang yang sesat. 43. Dan sesungguhnya neraka Jahannam itu benar-benar (tempat) yang telah dijanjikan untuk mereka (pengikut syaitan) semuanya, 44. (Neraka Jahannam) itu mempunyai tujuh pintu. Setiap pintu (telah ditetapkan) untuk golongan tertentu daripada mereka. 45. Sesungguhnya orang yang bertaqwa berada dalam syurga-syurga (taman-taman), dan (di dekat) mata air (yang mengalir). 46. (Allah berfirman), "Masuklah ke dalamnya dengan selamat dan sejahtera." 47. Dan Kami lenyapkan segala rasa dendam yang ada dalam hati mereka; mereka menjadi bersaudara, duduk berhadap-hadapan di atas singgahsana. 48. Mereka tidak berasa penat di dalamnya dan mereka tidak akan dikeluarkan daripadanya. 49. Khabarkanlah kepada hamba-hamba-Ku, bahawa Akulah Yang maha Pengampun, lagi Maha Penyayang, 50. dan sesungguhnya azab-Ku adaah azab yang sangat pedih. 51. Dan khabarkanlah (Muhammad) kepada mereka tentang tetamu Ibrahim (malaikat).

Sunday, February 11, 2024

Other Half

Bismillahirrahmanirrahim Bidznillah, I read many cause papers and Syariah court cases today.... It saddened me... I cannot lie myself... It really saddened me.. many of the cases were because of the third party.. most of the cases involved ex-husbands while the marriage still subsisting are having affairs with other ladies.. I am not intended to write in length because I have so many things to be completed.... In a very simple writing I introspected that it is a must for us to uphold Islam as a whole. Not partially. Al-Qur'an and Hadith as mentioned by beloved Rasulullah saw are the main references. If not referring to these two, we will be going astray. Naudzubillah min dzalik.... In the perspective of mixing between man and woman in Islam. The general rule is the mixing between opposite gender is haraam EXCEPT in 4 situations and affairs, namely EDUCATION, ADJUDICATION, BUSINESS TRANSACTION AND HAVING MEDICAL TREATMENT. These 4 situations are permissible in considering the guidelines in line with Islam. Certainly the prohibition is lifted through NIKAH (MARRIAGE). Wallahu a'lam bissowab.. In shaa Allah I will be trying to write in a very proper ways biidznillah by referring to the authorities and true sources.

Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Cinta Hati Ibu

Bismillahirrahmanirrahim. Assalamualaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh Syaima', Sumayyah, Nuh Al-'Awwadi dan Hud Al-Qushayyi yang dicintai kerana Allah. Ibu menulis warkah ini untuk tatapan anakanda semua walaupun ibu telah dipanggil Allah anakanda semua dapat membacanya dari hati dengan izin Allah. Ibu mohon maaf kerana ibu bukanlah ibu yang sempurna buat anak-anak ibu. Banyak kekurangan dan kelemahan ibu. Moga Allah ampunkan segala dosa dan kekhilafan ibu. Ibu bersyukur sangat Allah kurniakan Syaima', Sumayyah, Nuh Al-'Awwadi dan Hud Al-Qushayyi kepada ibu. Cinta ibu semua tercurahkan kepada kalian semua selepas Allah dan Rasul. Alhamdulillah Allah sayangkan kita kerana itu Allah menguji kita sehingga titik terendah kita bilamana kita kembali berusaha untuk memahami Islam dengan melaksanakan ubudiah iaitu perhambaan diri kepada Allah dengan menjadikan Allah sebagai matlamat kita secara total dan Rasulullah saw sebagai contoh tauladan, Al-Quran sebagai panduan dan peta kehidupan dan mati di jalan Allah sebagai cita-cita tertinggi. Anak-anakku dunia ini bukanlah segala-galanya. Dunia ini boleh menjangkiti kita dengan sifat wahn iaitu cinta dunia dan takut mati. Gerak hati kita, tingkah laku tatakelola kehidupan segalanya kita sandarkan kepada Allah, Rabb pemilik jagat raya dan semua manusia keseluruhannya. Andai tersasar apabila tekad dicemari lumpur dosa dan noda kita ada Allah yang akan menyambut taubat kita. Allah sentiasa membuka pintu kepada setiap manusia seluas-luasnya lebih-lebih lagi bagi mereka yang berjuang semampu mungkin untuk melaksanakan Islam dalam kehidupan. Hakikatnya, kita benar-benar dan amat memerlukan Allah. Wallahu a'lam bissowab. pen off 01/02/2024

Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Dakapan Kalamullah

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim Ya Allah, aku memohon hanyasanya kepada-Mu. Aku bersyukur dihadiahkan ujian demi ujian untukku kembali mendakapiMu ya Rahman ya Rahim. Tidak dapat kuungkapkan kesyukuran yang melimpah atas dakapanMu menuntunku kepada kalamMu. Benarlah niat itu suis utamanya. Akanku manfaatkan setiap ruang dan peluang usiaku yang berbaki ini untuk mendekatiMu, mengenal, mencintai dan mentaatiMu dalam setiap helaan nafasku, dalam setiap gerak langkahku in shaa Allah. Jauhkan aku dari sebarang fitnah dunia dan tipu daya yang menipu. Aku mencintaiMu ya Rabb. Pimpinlah aku dan anakanda-anakandaku serta ahli keluargaku ke jalan yang Engkau redha. Tuntunilah kami dan kurniakan kami hidayah dalam melaksanakan tuntutan amal Islami dengan sepenuh jiwa raga bagi semata-mata mendamba RedhaMu. Selebihnya aku serahkan asbab-asbab ini, doa seluruhnya kepadaMu dengan tawakkal yang kusandarkan hanya kepadaMu semata-mata. In shaa Allah. Wallahu a'lam bissowab. Pen off 24/01/2024 1.29 AM.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Historical Development of Islamic Banking and Finance

By Prof Dr Rusni Hassan
In order to understand the Islamic banking framework, it is paramount to look first to the historical background of Islamic banking. It all started in the early Arab period in which during this time, most of Arabian residents, particularly in Makkah and Madinah, earned their living through commercial dealings and transactions. Makkah and Madinah were respectively the centre of international trade and agriculture in the region. Most of the people earned their living through commercial activities as traders and merchants. Thus, the practice of speculation was rampant, e.g on the rates of exchange, the load of a caravan which one tried to purchase, the yield of harvests.

Fictitious associations were formed and sale were contracted on which loans were made. It was during this time that oppression and manipulation were rampant. The wealthy merchants took advantage of the weaker traders and as a result, wealthy only circulated in the hands of the rich. The practice of riba, iktinaz (hoarding), ihtikar (monopoly), and the practice of some transactions which is associated with gambling such as bay' al-mulamasah, and bay' al-munabazah were present. Bay' al-mulamasah is a sale which is concluded by the buyer touching the asset, whereas bay' al-munabazah is a sale which is concluded when the buyer throws the stone on the subject matter. Both are prohibited due to the element of uncertainty in the contract. The people in the weaker position or the less fortunate were constantly cheated and oppressed.

Thus, what was seen during this time was the  rich become richer and the poor continued to be poorer. The coming of Islam had imposed certain regulations in the conduct of their daily commercial transactions. Islam does not prohibit trade but encouraged Muslims to work hard without violating any Islamic teachings. Islam had changed the perception of the society about the concept of the creation, management and distribution of wealth. Islam teaches that the real ownership belongs to Allah the Almighty alone. The concept of wealth as a trust and amanah from God imposing certain accountability factors and both moral and religious conscience are instilled in every individual. However, Islam also recognizes the de facto ownership of a persons over things (private ownership) and the temptation to create wealth as part and parcel of human nature. Therefore, Islam promotes honesty, transparency, justice, and fairness in acquiring ownership and it is vital to safeguard the rights of others while at the same time, protect the rights of the community and the state at large.

In order to harmonise between safeguarding the rights of an individual and at the same time, protecting the interest of the community at large, Islam has introduced certain reforms in the form of trade and commerce such as establishing general principles of contract which are in accordance with the Shariah principles. This was done by scrutinising the existing contracts and eliminating any elements which are not in line with the Islamic principles and declares such contracts to be permissible. In the event where a contract applying or practising any elements which are contrary to Shariah principles and it is not modifiable, then such contracts are declared  as not permissible and void. Some examples of permissible contract would be sale, mudharabah, musharakah, hawalah, and istisna' and examples of a prohibited contract  would be contracts with the elements of riba.

Islamic Banking and Finance was initiated more than forty years ago during an earlier Arab period. However, the modern experience with Islamic banking only started in the early 1960s in Egypt. The pioneer for the first modern experiment with Islamic banking was the Mit-Ghamr Islamic Savings Bank pioneered by Ahmad El-Najjar. The whole experiment was done on the quiet without projecting any Islamic image for fear of being seen as a manifestation of Islamic fundamentalism, which could be associated with certain political regimes. The whole experiment started with a form of savings bank based on profit-sharing in the Egyptian town of Mit-Ghamr in 1963 and only lasted until 1967. It was model after the German savings banks adapted to the rural environment of an Islamic developing country.

The major objective of this bank is to mobilise the idle savings of the majority of the Muslim Egyptian population and provide them with returns without having to breach any teachings of the Shariah. Between this time, there were nine banks in Egypt that did not charge nor paid interest and most of the investors were engaged in trade and industry directly or in partnership with others, and shared profits with their depositors. In February 1967, the bank's operation came to an end due to political reasons. However, during the short period of the operation, the problems of rural indebtedness were reduced and borrowers no longer relied o the local moneylenders and the non-Islamic banks which charger on agreed amount of high interest which is not in line with the Islamic teachings.

Another successful experiment on Islamic banking and finance can be seen in Malaysia with the introduction with of the Pilgrims Fund Corporation or Lembaga Urusan Tabung Haji (LUTH) in 1963. The main purpose of this fund is to enable the Muslims in Malaysia to save gradually in order to support their expenditure during Hajj (pilgrimage). Other than that, LUTH also allows Muslims to have active and effective participation in investment activities that are permissible in Islam through their savings. LUTH takes up the responsibility to safeguard the interest and welfare by providing numerous facilities to pilgrims during the pilgrimage.

The Nasser Social Bank was later established in Egypt in 1971, not as a profit-oriented institution but as a social bank to serve the previously "unbankable" low group of people. This was followed by the establishment of Islamic Development Bank (IDB) in 1973 by the Organisation of Islamic Countries (OIC) as an intergovernmental bank aimed at providing funds for development projects in member countries. The IDB provides fee-based financial services and profit-sharing financial assistance to member countries. The Islamic Bank of Dubai became the first Islamic commercial bank in 1975 and in the following years, a number of Islamic banks were established mainly in the Middle East such as the Islamic Bank of Faisal in Egypt (1977), the Islamic Bank of Faisal Jordan (1978), Bank of Islamic Finance and Investment in Jordan (1978) and Islamic Investment Company Ltd. in UAE (United Arab Emirates) (1979).

In July 1996, Citibank marked a major advance in Islamic banking into the mainstream of high finance in expanding its operations by being the first international bank to open an Islamic bank in Bahrain, making it the first money-centred bank to set upon Islamic institutions. With an initial capitalisation of $20 million, the Citibank's Islamic banking facility, known as Citi Islamic Investment intermediaries with a range of products and services developed in compliance with the Islamic Shariah and sound banking practices. It was reported that CIIB had allowed Citibank to develop an internal Islamic banking expertise which can be put to use not only in the Gulf, but in South Asia, Europe and as well as in North America. http://www.articlearchives.com/banking-finance/banking institutions-system/1477712-1.html

The Accounting and Auditing Organization for Islamic Financial Institutions (AAOIFI) was established in 1991 as an international autonomous not-profit corporate body. AAOIFI is responsible for developing accounting, auditing, ethics, governance and Shariah standards for the international Islamic banking and finance industry. With its corporate office in Bahrain, the AAOIFI is supported by over 160 financial institutions in over 40 countries. AAOFI Governance Standard 5 .

The AAOIFI played an important role in the development of Islamic banking and financial institutions due to established international standards for the industry. As at 2008, it had issued a total of sixty-eight standards for the industry which includes the Shariah standards, auditing standards, six governance standards and code of ethics. Also, among the sixty-seven standards issued by the AAOIFI include recommendation on Tawarruq (monetisation), indices and banking services, accounting standards on consolidation, governance standard on the independence of the Shariah supervisory board and governance principles for the Islamic financial institutions. It is said that AAOIFI's position in the industry is explicable. They are not only responsible for the physical growth of the Islamic banking industry but, at the same time, accountable to God to their decision. AAOIFI had taken proper initiatives to maintain the international standards used in the industry.

The standards issued by AAOIFI had been made mandatory as part of the Islamic banking an finance regulatory requirements in jurisdiction such as Bahrain, Dubai International Financial Centre, Jordan, Sudan, Syria, Qatar and Qatar Financial Centre. Although it is not made mandatory in other countries, but more and more countries such as Malaysia, Pakistan, Lebanon, Indonesia, UAE and Saudi Arabia have opted to adopt those standards.

Bank Islam Malaysia Berhad (BIMB) was the full- fledged Islamic bank in Malaysia established in 1983. The success of LUTH had enabled its contribution of 12.5% of BIMB's initial paid-up capital of RM80 million. The establishment of BIMB was made possible by virtue of Islamic Banking Act 1983 (Act 276/ which came into force in 1983. This Act allows for setting up and licensing of "Islamic banks". Islamic banks are defined as "any company which carries on Islamic Banking business and holds valid licence". "Islamic banking business" was further defined in Section 2 of the Islamic Banking Act 1983 as "banking business whose aims and operations do not involve any elements which are not approved by the religion of Islam".

BIMB carries out banking business similar to other commercial banks without breaching any Shariah principles. The banks offers deposit-taking products such as current and savings deposits under the concept of Al-Wadiah Yad Dhamanah (guaranteed custody) and investment deposits under the concept of Al-Wadiah Yad Dhamanah (guaranteed custody) and Al-Mudharabah (profit-sharing). The bank also grant financing under Al -Murabahah (cost plus), house financing under Bai' Bithaman Ajil  (deferred payment sale), leasing under Al-Ijarah (leasing) and project financing under Al-Musharakah (profit and loss-sharing). At present, BIMB's total assets rose from RM325.5 million in 1984 to RM27.48 billion. Bank Islam Malaysia Berhad and its subsidiaries. Financial statements for the financial year ended 30 Jue 2009. As of April 2009, it was reported that the assets of the global Islamic finance industry were estimated to grow to around $ 1.6 trillion by 2012. Islamic finance assets seen at $ 1.6 trln by 2012.

Reference: Rusni Hassan. (2011). Islamic Banking and Takaful. : Pearson Malaysia Sdn Bhd 2012.

The origins and  development of Islamic Banking and Finance

note: jazakillahu khayran kathira and thank you so much ma'am, dr rusni hassan for your thorough guidance during the whole learning sessions of Islamic Banking and Takaful course. May Allah bless you. amiin. May this will instruct us in the next course of al-mu'amalat al-maliyah wal masrafiah al-islamiah and henceforth inshaallah. 

Wallahu a'lam bissowab.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

1 Muharram 1434 Hijriyyah


Assalamualaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh,

All praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Universe. May the blessings and peace of Allah be upon Muhammad sallallahi 'alaihi wasallam, his household, his companions, callers to his call, and followers of his way until the Day of Judgement.

Dear all,
Salam Hijrah & 1st Muharram 1434 Hijriyyah.

Alhamdulillah, highest praises go to Allah swt for having this happened! May Allah swt accept all our deeds and keep us guided all the time. Allahumma amiin.

Thank you and Jazakumullahu Khayran Kathira to my parents, dear mak & abah who are very instrumentalling in my life until I reached the stage who am I today. Alhamdulillah.

Things to ponder..............let's be thankful, forgive and forget....

Allah knows best! Alhamdulillahillazi bini'matihi tatimmus solihah and alhamdulillah 'ala kulli hal wa nikmah. What was specially enjoyable about last 1433 Hijriyyah? Alhamdulillah, my mak, abah, wan, embah, onyang, siblings and all families were happy all the time and love me fillah ^_^, I had met those beloved people who are so special in my life biiznillah. I am pleased to have opportunities to attend many advantageous programs here and outside the campus and being surrounded with all my beloved trainers (all murrabi & murrabiah) and colleagues. We are accompanying each other and takmil wa istikmal biiznillah. I am pleased to be here again, in this garden of knowledge and virtue. Thank you Allah! Alhamdulillah, it's so wonderful. Subhanallah, walhamdulillah wallahu akbar!

However, all pleasures and difficulties are both tests in our life. Uneasy incident had happened recently. I never thought this would happened here. In writing this post, it is indeed signifies how worry my heart is! We are going through trauma. We are not free as before. Indeed, Allah wants to save our dignity, honor and life! Allah knows best. Nothing is difficult for Allah. Allah Al-Mu'iin (Allah is the Helper) who always be here and there to assist His servant. Ask Him! Qul 'uduuni astajib lakum!

Allahumma afrigh 'alaina sabron watawaffana bil muslimin. May Allah ease everything for us all. amiin ya rabbal 'alamin.

Last semester was the period which I enjoyed most. I'm really miss them all. Being surrounded with friends who were really fantastic make me ponder how's tough and rough life is as Mu'min. Their sharing on what we are expected to do, be well-prepared often reminds me how's importance the friendliness for the sake of Allah (ukhuwwah fillah lillah taala). Now, it still the same alhamdulillah. May Allah enlighten our path with hidayah and iman so that we will manage to realize the vision and mission as 'abdullah (Allah's servant) and khalifatullah (Allah's vicegerent). Inshaallah.

While observing others, everyone have their own test. My beloved friends had lost their beloved father, uncle and etc. Innalillahi wainna ilaihi rajioun. May Allah bless them all. amiin. For us, who are still here, in seeking Allah's pleasures in each single phases of our life, we have to be patient, always having the Islamic spirits and passion, be attentive and face all the problems and solve it in the best ways as prescribed in the Qur'an and Sunnah, ask those who experts and keep looking the positives and be optimistic. Don't just facebook it ^_^ or do not ever facebook it. Let's handle it well. This nice reminders specially goes for me. Let's cheer up for Allah's sake and emulate our beloved habib, Prophet Muhammad saw and the Muslim heroes and heroins in the past who had struggled hard to uphold Islam in this universe. Inshaallah.

May Allah facilitate us well! Rabbana la tuzi'gh qulubana ba'da iz hadaitana wahablana min ladunka rahmah, innaka antal wahhab. Rabbana atina min ladunka rahmah wahayyi' lana min amrina rasyada. Allahumma ati nufusana taqwaha, wa anta zaqqiha wa anta khayra man zaqqaha anta walliyuha wa anta mawlaha. Rabbana atina fiddunya hasanah wa fil akhirati hasanah wa qina 'adzaban nar. Allahumma amiin.

Barakallahu fiikum ajma'in.
Uhibbukum fillah.

Let's permanently embedded LAILAHAILLALLAH MUHAMMADUN RASULULLAH deeply in our heart. It's a sunnah of Prophet Rasulullah saw to say LAILAHAILLALLAH MUHAMMADUN RASULULLAH to increase in IMAN in order to keep the remembrance of ALLAH subhanahu wataala.

 May ALLAH grant us all HIDAYAH, IMAN, 'ILM & TAQWA which will lead to 'AMAL with IHSAN. May ALLAH accept our deeds. Allahumma amiin.

note: Alhamdulillah, it's so nice ^_^ I was not expecting this was the nasheed theme for the wonderful and instructive Muslim Heroes Conference 2012 (IIUM) yesterday. Mabrook & Barakallahu fiikum ajma'in to Talib Al-Habib & all the inspiring speakers & all the crews of MHC! Alhamdulillah! As usual, I'm really miss my beloved bro, Muhammad Hanif Hassan! Barakallahu fiik ya akhi.

Question to reflect, what's next?

Wallahu a'lam bissowab.